
IN COMPANY 3.0 Starter Student’s Book Pack

Učebnica In Company 3.0 je spracovaná tak, že Teacher’s Pack aj Student’s Pack obsahujú všetko, čo učiteľ alebo študent potrebuje. Nie je teda potrebné kupovať žiadne ďalšie komponenty.

Súčasťou učebnice je prístup k online pracovnému zošitu (Online Workbook) a databáza materiálov (Resource Centre) na internet.

Original price was: 45,00 €.Current price is: 38,30 €.



In Company 3.0 is a best-selling, 5-level course trusted by thousands of teachers worldwide. The skills-based Business English series, aimed at professional, adult learners seeking to realise their full potential as speakers of English at work, delivers immediate and tangible outcomes.

In Company 3.0 provides updated and expanded content and builds on the success of previous editions, making it the English course of choice for established business professionals. The course delivers strong, skills-based material with immediate and tangible outcomes. Short, accessible units focus on key business trends, people skills and everyday business scenarios, and demonstrate the practical application of functional language in business contexts.

NEW for this third edition is a neat and compact blended learning solution for both students and teachers with a new Digital Student’s Book that is compatible with tablets. The interactive Online Workbook gives students the opportunity to practise language online and on-the-move, and teachers can track students’ progress through automatic gradebooks. In addition, the Student’s and Teacher’s Resource Centres provide easy access to class audio, a Presentation Kit for interactive whiteboards, extensive video content, and additional learning material, including photocopiable resources, tests, and worksheets.

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